Registration FormThe Women’s Sport Collective is a FREE inclusive community for all women working in sport.If you’d like to join, please complete this form and your membership will be confirmed in 48 hours. Current members, please use this form to update your personal details. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * Address 1 * Address 2 Town/City * County * Postcode * Country Instagram @ LinkedIn How did you find out about the Collective? * I saw details on social media - LinkedIn / Instagram / X Recommendation from my company / organisation Other Fearless Women content – The Game Changers podcast etc Recommendation from a colleague or friend Direct approach via email / LinkedIn Word of mouth Internet search Regional Hub WhatsApp group Other I saw details on Instagram About your role Job Title * Company/organisation * Job function * athlete commercial construction data, insight, research digital event management finance journalist / broadcaster lecturer / teacher legal and governance marketing, communications, PR medical NED sports administration sports coach sports development, sport for development sports official sports scientist student workforce other other (please specify) Role Level * ceo / editor / head coach senior management / director / senior lecturer middle management executive level / trainee freelance / consultant recent graduate student other other Type of organisation * agency charity / CIC commercial company / brand educational institution freelance / consultant media outlet NGB / sports association NGO eg EIS BPA Sport England sports team / league local / central government legal medical other other (please specify) Equality Monitoring How do you identify? * woman man non-binary prefer not to say prefer to self describe identity - self describe The following section is voluntary please complete as much as you are comfortable with. Age 18 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70+ prefer not to say Do you consider yourself to be disabled * We are asking this for the purpose of making reasonable adjustments to ensure our events and materials are accessible to everyone. yes no prefer not to say What is your ethnic group? Chose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background Asian / Asian British - Bangladeshi Asian / Asian British - Chinese Asian / Asian British - Indian Asian / Asian British - Pakistani Any other Asian background, please describe Black / African / Caribbean / Black British - African Black / African / Caribbean / Black British - Caribbean Any other Black / African / Caribbean / Black British background, please describe Mixed / Multiple - White and Asian Mixed / Multiple - White and Black African Mixed / Multiple - White and Black Caribbean Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background, please describe White - English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British White - Gypsy or Irish traveller White - Irish Any other white background, please describe Arab Any other ethnic group, please describe Prefer not to say other ethnic group, please describe What is your sexual orientation? bi gay woman / lesbian heterosexual / straight prefer not to say prefer to self describe self describe Conditions of membership Privacy policy * View the privacy policy here. I accept the privacy policy Membership terms * View the membership terms here. I accept the membership terms Marketing consent * Are you happy for us to share your details with carefully chosen third party organisations who are relevant to women in sport? yes no Are you a current member updating your details? yes Thanks for applying to join the Women’s Sport Collective. We’ll be back in touch shortly.